The Intelligence You Need
For easier, more complete, and accurate data driven insights and fully informed decision making for capital planning, design requirements, supply chain challenges, ESG initiatives, policy decisions, license to operate and reputational risk concerns. Dynamic, continuously updated data layers such as water flow, regulated and unregulated contaminants, pollution sources, hazardous waste proximity, aquifers, temperature, salinity, and land, storm, and stream properties can be applied as needed for deep understanding and up to date analysis of watershed quality and quantity impacts. Data sources such as discharge reports, EPA permit holders, USGS and USDA live sensors, NASA, NOAA, Microsoft Planetary Computer, Google Earth Engine, and others are easily accessible for data verification and drill down. Private data can be easily embedded for deeper insights. Indexed scoring for drinking, industrial, agriculture, storm, waste and surface water are available as True QI scores. True QI scores for each category distill water’s complex data layers and multi-dimensional interrelationships into clearly understandable visualizations for reliable analysis and fully informed decision making. Customizable dashboard with workflow templates, such as “What’s in My Watershed” for data blending and customer specific True QI scoring to the Hydrologic Unit Code (HUC) 8 level. Dashboard supports customized digital layers and provides easy to interpret True QI scores, mapping to the zip code level, and visualizations for clear analysis and forecasting.Digital Watershed Analysis Suite
Customizable Digital Layers
Access to Diverse Data Sources
True QI Scores
Easy to Use Project Management Dashboard
Water quality insights to 48 hours or up to 21 days as needed. Maps and quantifies asset risk based on asset building year and storm recurrence interval to determine risk to infrastructure based on changing weather patterns to 2040 and beyond. Coming soon! Coming soon!Water Risk Management
Water Quality Forecasting
Climate Precipitation Calculator
Real Time Asset Monitoring
Disclosure Reporting
Multiple data layers create a digital watershed twin with True QI scores and visualizations for clear understanding of watershed issues and impacts across a wide range of stakeholders. Dynamic, continuously updated data layers including water flow, regulated and unregulated contaminants, pollution sources, hazardous waste proximity, aquifers, and others can be applied as needed for deep understanding and up to date analysis of watershed quality and quantity impacts. Importantly, Environmental Justice layers can be added to prioritize efforts and help secure federal and state funding. Makes project management and participation monitoring easy for multiple projects and initiatives. Separates access to data as necessary for large projects.Collective Action Facilitation
Digital Watershed Twin
Easy to Use Project Management Dashboard
Public and Private Data Blending
Customizable Digital Layers
Program Coordinator Toolset
Secure Firewalls
Intelligence Solutions are Easy to Use, Flexible and Secure
One Platform Serves Multiple Needs
Multiple solutions in one platform
Flexible tools and solutions
Solutions work separately for specific needs or together to provide more holistic Water Intelligence.
Options for every situation
Secure Water Data Intelligence
React based Web/Flask Application
Enterprise grade authentication
Multi-Cloud Disaster Recovery Architecture
Data download capability
Water Resilience Starts With Water Intelligence.
Impactful Case Studies & Use Cases
Colorado River Basin
True Elements created a digital watershed twin to analyze and forecast water quality and flow for multiple users within the watershed. This digital twin helped stakeholders collectively understand water related risks and develop mitigation strategies in response.
Watershed Health
Investing in collective understanding and action to support watershed health saves significant funds in the long term and helps create a resilient water future for all.
SEC Climate Risk Disclosure
Federal agencies are moving toward mandatory water and climate risk disclosure requirements.
Frequently Asked Questions
What data sources do you use?
In the US, True Elements brings hundreds of data sources from over 25 federal agencies together such as EPA discharge and permit holder reports, USGS and USDA live sensor data, NASA, and NOAA, plus state drinking water consumer confidence reports and lab data to create as complete a national watershed picture as currently possible. On a global basis, data sources such as Microsoft Planetary Computer, Google Earth Engine, World Resource Institute’s Aqueduct, World Wildlife Fund’s Water Risk Filter, and the United Nations’ GEMStat support water quality and quantity assessment across asset portfolios and supply chains. We are continuously bringing more data into the True Elements platform via global, national, state, regional and local data sources.
Is the data dynamic?
Yes. Data are continuously updated via API with data sources, wherever possible. Additionally, new data sets from trusted sources worldwide are constantly being added to True Elements’ Water Intelligence Platform. True Elements’ generative AI produces ever sharpening insights as new or updated data is added to the platform and scoring and analysis are continuously tested and refined.
Can I incorporate my own data into the platform?
Yes. True Elements can easily blend private data into its existing comprehensive public data sets to enhance insight into specific locations and issues. True Elements is data type agnostic; able to bring any type of data such as satellite, GIS, or CSV file into the platform for analysis and visualization. Secure firewalls protect private data as necessary according to customer needs. Note that private data is kept private unless directed otherwise by written agreement with the customer.
How are you applying artificial intelligence (AI) in your solutions?
True Elements’ sophisticated scientific and AI capabilities aggregate, process, and normalize public, private, or blended data sets, creating a multi-layer digital twin that reflects water data as well as hydrologic, weather, topographical and other factors that impact water flow, quality, and quantity.
These capabilities allow accurate assessment of current water conditions and forecasts of water quality and quantity risk, physical asset risk, and risk of potential disruption due to extreme water events.
AI tracks and adjusts analyses and forecasting based on comparisons of predictions to real time data as well as new data sources added to True Elements’ Water Intelligence Platform. Continuous machine learning ensures that Water Intelligence is ever sharpening and reliable.
What is Water Intelligence?
Water Intelligence is a unique combination of state-of-the-art technology, scientific analysis and AI capabilities that continuously aggregates, synthesizes, and transforms expansive amounts of complex water data into easily understandable, increasingly precise analyses and forecasts via scores and visualizations.
These analyses and forecasts produce deep, clear insights that help decision makers better understand water resources and make fully informed decisions about how to manage and optimize those resources.
How can I access True Elements’ Water Intelligence services?
The Digital Watershed Explorer, Site Assessment Reporter, Scenario Reporter, and Field Data Monitor are all available via SaaS subscription. Products are currently available through AWS Marketplace, Microsoft Marketplace, and Google Cloud Marketplace. Products may also purchased via True Elements directly here.
What geography do you cover?
Due to access to high volumes of public data, True Elements’ capabilities are currently strongest in the US (including Alaska and Hawaii). Data capture and analysis is increasing rapidly on a global basis. New data sources can generally be incorporated into True Elements Water Intelligence Platform within one to two weeks.
Collaboration efforts are underway with data partners around the world to provide similar capabilities currently available in the US on a global basis.
Do you have a team to help me learn to use the True Elements platform and someone to call when I have questions?
Customers are guided by an assigned True Elements Customer Success Manager for help with onboarding the Water Intelligence Platform and learning how to maximize its capabilities. Weekly Customer Success Manager office hours are provided for in-depth discussions and or tutorials. Assistance is available anytime between 9:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. EST Monday through Friday for questions and technical support.
Do you own any water sensors and or will you put sensors in where none exist?
True Elements’ unique capabilities transform massive amounts of water data from a myriad of sources into clear, concise insights and visualizations to help customers make informed decisions to address their current and future water related challenges.
We do not own or install water sensors, however, we can direct you to organizations who can potentially assist you with those needs.
True Elements Provides The Deep, Clear Water Intelligence You Need For the Insights You Want
Transforming water and data complexity into clear, easy to understand insights for fully informed, effective decision making.