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Use Cases

Learn more about what’s possible with True Elements’ comprehensive Water Intelligence System capabilities.

Watershed Management

Changes to water quality and quantity are accelerating in watersheds across the world. These changes increase the urgency to better understand complex factors impacting watershed health so decision makers can act now to ensure healthy watersheds for future generations. 

True Elements can help organizations involved in watershed management: 

More clearly understand factors impacting overall watershed health

Develop better informed strategies to protect watershed health

Communicate across stakeholder groups to gain support for water quality improvement initiatives

Public Sector Agencies

Changes to water resources are threatening the drinking water, surface water, infrastructure, and operational and economic sustainability of the communities that rely on them. Public sector leaders need deeper insights into the water resources their communities rely on to help build a climate and water resilient future. 

True Elements can help public sector leaders: 

Better understand current and future infrastructure vulnerability

Develop informed, successful strategies to improve water quality

Prepare communities for long-term water and climate resiliency

Architecture and Engineering Firms

Severe climate change impacts are changing the flow and shape of the rivers, streams, and estuaries the natural and built environment rely on. Architecture and engineering firms need insights into how water systems are changing to help communities and companies adapt and thrive in a changing climate. 

True Elements can help architecture and engineering firms: 

Understand how the water resources clients rely on are changing over time

Assist clients in developing strategies to address those changes effectively

Help clients meet federal and state mandates for water quality improvement

Consulting Firms

Companies seek help from consulting firms to meet increasing environmental reporting requirements and address water-related threats throughout their value chains. Consulting firms need insights to help their clients turn these threats into opportunities. 

True Elements can help consulting firms: 

Assist clients in meeting reporting requirements quickly and easily while providing a basis of understanding of water risk and opportunity across a value chain

Assist clients in prioritizing challenges and developing strategies to ensure long-term company operational viability and resiliency

Communicate effectively with clients and help those clients communicate across stakeholder groups to address issues within a shared watershed

True Elements is the Definitive Source for Water Intelligence